
Kendra anderson

Jr. Writer

The Encourager

Struggling with insecurity was a topic that use to not be talked about often. It was almost as if the term “insecurity” would get tucked away in the back pockets of the people that carried it around with them…one of those people being me. I carried insecurity with me around everywhere. Whether it was to school, around family, to work, girl nights…insecurity never left me and slowly but surely, it started to suffocate me. Even though insecurity can be a common struggle amongst everyone to some degree, it began to define me and before I even realized it, insecurity literally dictated my every move and every thought. 

I began to search for security in things that could not fulfill me. Affirmations, relationships, friendships, even hobbies that were not my own. I began to try to fit in with society. How I should look around certain people. How I should talk around a different group of people.  I was slowly becoming whoever I needed to be for a time. I was pursuing all the things that I thought would satisfy me…and came up short every time. Back then, I was trying to learn the way that society told me I should be as a girl. 

Now, I am learning the way that God is telling me to be as a woman. 

It really is true when you hear the pastor tell you that nothing can satisfy your soul like Jesus can. Growing up in a Christian home, attending church just about every Sunday, I heard that phrase quite often. However, every time I heard that, I never took it to heart, nor did I understand it. It was just a phrase to me. But, oh how true it is. As I began to attend Bible studies, find people who encouraged and challenged me in the faith journey, my soul changed. My spirits lifted and those insecurity chains slowly started to fall now. 

The world continues to try and shackle me in the chains of insecurity. The world is at a constant battle against the Holy Spirit that longs to dwell in me. It tries to speak louder than Jesus and continues to persevere in pursuing me. But God pursues me with such holiness and gracefulness that He will always win. He pursues me with unconditional love and because He constantly reminds me that I am worthy, unique and forgiven, I am able to find security in Him, over and over and over again. 

I am FREED from insecurity. I am now FREED to be wholly satisfied, fulfilled, and confident in the God who is constantly pursuing my heart.

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