My Supernatural Encounter with Jesus by Dakota Rhodes

I encountered Jesus in a supernatural way.

Before I get into specifics about that, let me tell you about myself prior to Jesus. As most people would say, they grew up knowing about God; I was one of them, but only until I was 14 years old, then my anxiety took a turn for the worse. I started to pray every night to Him, though at this point, I still didn’t really know God by any means.

Fast forward a few years to when I got into a lot of new-age practices. Tarot cards, crystals, you name it. I opened myself to the doors of the unseen without even knowing it. Yet, I still prayed.

Then in 2020, the world shut down. When I look back to this year in particular, I felt Him calling to me the strongest. One night, my mom was listening to a sermon by one of my favorite pastors, (that I now listen to and watch) he was talking about repentance to heal our land. I remember listening to this whole sermon and I was so drawn in. I remember watching videos on TikTok about people’s real-life encounters with God. And with everything going on in the world, I grew a little scared of what life would become.

But the more I saw these videos, the more I wanted to know God for myself; to know He was really real.

All of this transpired in one night - the sermon and the videos. I went into my bathroom and prayed; for real this time. I repented of dabbling in witchcraft, in tarot, and in things not of God. In things I didn’t even know I’d done, but I was coming with a repentive heart. I don’t even remember what else I actually prayed for, but I was there for a while. All of a sudden, I felt a presence swoop in from the left and stood on the right of me. I was able to see Jesus from the neck down. I knew it was Him. I kept seeing this gold energy-looking thing as well, that I can’t explain.

Before I knew it, He moved behind me and gave me a hug. He wrapped His arms around me and I involuntarily threw my arms up to hug Him back. At that moment, I felt the breath in my lungs dissipate as He filled me with the Holy Spirit. I was crying. I have never ever felt a love so pure and so overflowing as I have when Jesus hugged me.

He moved again to the side of me and before He left, He spoke to me audibly. At that moment I was hunched over my bathroom sink bawling my eyes out. If I wasn’t standing there, this experience would’ve been enough to knock me to the floor.

I barely slept that night because of how emotional this experience was. I was made new!

Jesus saved me! I woke up super early the following morning to run downstairs and tell my mom what had happened. It was the waterworks all over again. Praise God! This moment was almost 2 years ago and I still find it amazing. It’s something I will never forget. I am made new in Christ Jesus.

This journal entry was featured in



From Death to Life by Marian Adejokun


To Watch Expectantly