Not Forgotten

By: Kendra Anderson


“Then God remembered Rachel. He listened to her and…”

-Genesis 30:22

In the book of Genesis, Rachel was one of two wives of a patriarch named Jacob. During that time, Jacob was forced to serve Rachel’s father for seven years in order to take Rachel as his wife. At the end of those seven years, Jacob was tricked and instead, was given Leah, Rachel’s sister, as his first wife. Another seven years went by and Jacob served Rachel's father again. However, this time he was able to take Rachel as his wife. So there Jacob was, having two wives who could bear him children to carry on his line.

If only it were that straightforward right? If only both wives were able to bear children right away.

However, that was not the case for Rachel. For years, Rachel had been praying that she would bear a son. There she was, constantly watching Leah, happily bearing son after son after son, and yet, she had not conceived any children, let alone a son. How many times did she lose faith and doubt that she would ever be with a child? How many times do you think she wept and pleaded on her hands and knees that God would open her womb and give her children? As she grew older and became less fertile, Leah continued to produce and bear children, securing her place in the family. Rachel remained barren, probably feeling as though God had forgotten about her desires completely, and with that, feeling unworthy and useless.  

“Then God remembered Rachel. He listened to her and enabled her to conceive.” – Genesis 30:22

Then God…

When I hear that phrase, it tells me that the struggle, the trial, or the battle has been interrupted. It confirms that there is no longer a pause in a person’s story. There has been a break or an end in the suffering that someone had been enduring. “Then God…” reveals that God had intervened. He interceded on someone’s behalf, and in this case for Rachel, where she could physically see the results of her prayers. We know that God is always working behind the scenes, pulling strings and causing things to come together for those who love him. But to see the results of your prayers in a tangible way, can be another feeling of assurance and safety entirely.

Are you Rachel in your own story?

How many times have you wondered whether you were forgotten? Maybe you’re thinking that your time will never come? That that job will never come through. That you will never make it to obtaining that degree. Maybe you have lost faith that you will ever be married and you're tempted to settle. Or that the struggle to provide for your family will never end. Whatever it is, can I argue that the working and the waiting are both happening simultaneously?

My dear friend, He has not forgotten about you. I cannot stress that enough. Our God is a God of faithfulness, a God who never forgets the promises that He has made to you. In His stalling, in His procrastinating, in His waiting, He is divinely working everything out to thoroughly exceed the desires that your heart longs for as you continue to seek His face. His timing may feel delayed or postponed, but it is surely not forgotten. He is never late and has never failed.  

I now challenge you to start something new while you are waiting. Put yourself within that verse. Memorize it, meditate on it, and recite it. What you long for may not come to pass at the time you wish. It may not transpire for a while, months or even years. But it also may take a few days, or even a few hours. No matter how long the wait, remind yourself, God remembers you. He listens to you and He will enable whatever it is that you desire to come to pass.

“Then God remembered _______. He listened to you and enabled you to……...”


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